
What a decade this year has been and it has only crossed the half way mark and its nearly impossible to mention and discuss the events that have happened in one article, so here we’ll just start with January. These are some of the major incidents in January. The Dooms Year, as I’d like to […]

Social engineering

“As we have noticed several followers are enthusiastic to gain more knowledge, we have an exciting world of knowledge created for you. You will have an access to numerous books, courses that we have cascaded together. To enter a new world, click here and take a ride!” Here we go now. Social engineering is a […]

Cryptography and its types

There are a lot of ways in securing the information that is being transmitted. One of the ways is Cryptography. Some of the information has already been provided in Block chain and Cryptography. As of now, we shall discuss cryptography types and in the consecutive writings its algorithms, tools, and applications. We shall now dive […]

Picked up Platforms.

The information we are imparting will gradually plunge into depth. We hope for a better foundation by cascading data from several references but if you are a little hasty to know more, we guide you in that way as well. Here are some suggestions from venerable learning platforms. Station X Station X has been a […]

Blockchain Courses

In the last few posts, I have explained the basics about blockchain, but that information, will probably be insufficient if you want build your own blockchain based technology, say your own cryptocurrency. Most of these courses will be conducted online, and not all of them cost money. Here are a few courses which may help […]

Firewalls and types

Why there is a security guard at the gate? To make sure someone new or harmful not to enter in to premises. Same as the guard, we have a protective layer that doesn’t allow malicious network or viruses to enter to the system. That protective layer is termed as Firewall!! Firewall: A firewall is a network […]

Top Certifications in Security

Yes!! We are learning basics, soon we will learn deeper. But, where am I up to? Am I well trained? How can I get assessed? The only simple solution to the answer can sound bit impassive, but it’s a test!! Mostly used term- Certification. So, we shall look into some of the certifications from our […]

Consensus in the Blockchain

Blockchains are formed by the creation of a consensus. This means that nodes must eventually agree on a particular history of the blocks which are created. However, on a large blockchain network like the one running bitcoin, consensus between nodes often takes some time, since nodes don’t always have perfect knowledge of other nodes on […]

Hacking Organizations

Remember the question from Introduction, Who did it? Here comes the answer. These are some notable hacking organizations. Isn’t that strange? Actually Not!!. This doesn’t mean that they are only involved in hazardous activities. Some are with us and some for us, mean the same, but the perspective do not!! Some work as government agencies,corporations […]

Threats and Protection

We have already learnt what is a threat in earlier writings. If not visited yet, here are the detailed details!! “Prevention is better than cure!”, the elders’ sayings should not be passed over. Like Voldemort having horcruxes, bad always have several forms. Now we shall plunge into some of the types of threats, prevention and […]

Hashing in the Blockchain

In the previous post, I had explained the uses of cryptography in the blockchain. This post provides an overview of the use of hash functions in blockchains. The electronic coin is an essential feature of every blockchain, albeit the exchange of cryptocurrency may not be the use case. Blockchains can be used for other purposes […]

Attacks and Loss!!

Remember one of the questions from Introduction?? Any kind of these (cyber) attacks happened before? Yes!! The world has been experiencing attacks and risks since years. Happened might be good or bad, we should remember. So, let’s look into some of the attacks… Adobe in October 2013 announced the massive hacking of its IT infrastructure. […]

Women in Security

If we think subject is only required to be professional, we are wrong!! So, let’s include some great achievements. Most of the world think of women’s safety!! As a return gift, women are also into the world’s security. To support them, we shall study some of the organizations or associations that relate to Women in […]

Blockchain and Cryptography

In my previous post, I had given an overview of what blockchain technology is. If you haven’t read that, you can take a look here. grep crypto* blockchain As mentioned before, blockchain technology was created to support the bitcoin cryptocurrency. As the word cryptocurrency suggests, bitcoin certainly requires cryptography and so does the blockchain. Bitcoins […]