Stepping in to the Network

We commonly use Google Chrome, Firefox and many more to stream or to play or to chat, etc. Didn’t feel magical anytime? Like wow, we are able to access the world in our palms! Well yes, that’s a magic until you start unwinding the loops. The magic is nothing but the Internet. Then how and […]


What if you are only seven steps away from your first ML model? ML model is a file that is trained to recognize patterns in order to make a immaculate and accurate data prediction. It is a program smartly integrated with a suitable algorithm that will yield you the relevant information from the given data […]

Types in Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is a tree with several branches to it. When you start watering it with excess knowledge, the success you taste would be awesome. The success in the sense the level of security you can possess. So, without any delay we shall dive into some of the types of Cybersecurity. Critical Infrastructure Security It is […]