VAPT continued!

What is VAPT? Why is it needed? How it is done? Some of the details have already been discussed so far. If you have missed it, find it here! Penetration Testing have been learnt and now we shall go for Vulnerability Assessment. A vulnerability assessment is a process of finding out the vulnerabilities (mistakes or […]


Development doesn’t happen suddenly. If it had happened so, it is not development. Any highest grossing companies, Google for example,V have their earlier and the later phases. Same as for the companies, Internet also has its earlier phase. During that phase not everything is well secured and equipped as today it is. Vulnerabilities existed all […]

Top 10 Cryptocurrencies

With each passing day, the interest in cryptocurrencies is on an upward trajectory. In the past 10 years, a long list of cryptocurrencies have been created. Some don’t last very long, but others end up influencing the future of the blockchain in a significant manner. The market cap of a cryptocurrency speaks volumes about its […]