Transactions in Bitcoin

In one of my previous posts, I had given an overview of how transactions occur. Now I’ll explain how transactions are actually accounted and performed. Parallels with real currency In Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies forked/derived from it, transactions are accounted in a way similar to how physical currency is accounted for when exchanging for goods […]

What are DApps?

A DApp stands for a decentralized application and is a new type of software application which is more auditable, profitable(for developers and users alike), and has no central point of failure. Applications can be in the form of a website, an online service, or even a Android/iOS application. Moreover, such applications interact on a P2P(peer-to-peer) […]

What is IPFS?

Since the early days of the internet, the client-server model has been one of its fundamental characteristics. For those who are new to this concept, here is a good explanation of how it works. As internet adoption expanded, so did the number of clients. Another interesting thing about the internet is that it wasn’t designed […]

Crypto Wallets

A cryptocurrency/crypto wallet is a far cry from physical wallets where we store our usual money. In fact, the name is quite misleading, because unlike real world wallets, crypto wallets don’t store money within them. They don’t even store cryptocurrencies. Instead the money is stored on a decentralized ledger, called a blockchain. From a high […]

Bitcoin Mining

A lot of people may have heard about Bitcoin, and even know what it is. But very few know the real reason behind Bitcoin mining, other than earning money. If you have no prior knowledge of Bitcoins and blockchains, I would recommend my previous posts here. In this post, I will be explaining what mining […]

Blockchain & Forks

A fork in a blockchain is a very significant event. But what exactly is a fork? It is an event usually associated with a change in the protocol of the underlying blockchain, but other meanings too exist. Unsure what the blockchain is, then have a look here. Blockchains use consensus algorithms to resolve conflicts among […]

Top 10 Cryptocurrencies

With each passing day, the interest in cryptocurrencies is on an upward trajectory. In the past 10 years, a long list of cryptocurrencies have been created. Some don’t last very long, but others end up influencing the future of the blockchain in a significant manner. The market cap of a cryptocurrency speaks volumes about its […]

What are Smart Contracts?

In my previous posts, I had explained about Blockchain technology, with some focus on Bitcoin. Wondering what I’m talking about? Check my previous posts here. Before I answer the question of smart contracts, first let me explain the need for smart contracts. A tiny problem Blockchains can solve the problem of having an intermediary in […]

Blockchain Courses

In the last few posts, I have explained the basics about blockchain, but that information, will probably be insufficient if you want build your own blockchain based technology, say your own cryptocurrency. Most of these courses will be conducted online, and not all of them cost money. Here are a few courses which may help […]

Consensus in the Blockchain

Blockchains are formed by the creation of a consensus. This means that nodes must eventually agree on a particular history of the blocks which are created. However, on a large blockchain network like the one running bitcoin, consensus between nodes often takes some time, since nodes don’t always have perfect knowledge of other nodes on […]