Start with Tensorflow

Hello all! My previous blog posts were entirely focused on getting you comfortable with the idea of ML. I decided for a change to bring to you something fun in ML. Highlight an important aspect of it i.e. DEEP LEARNING! We will get started with the tensorflow basics here. TENSORFLOW is an API developed by […]


Have you been wondering about the difference between different packages that python provides you to deal with different types of numerical datasets? Well, then you have stumbled upon the right place. Numpy i.e. NUMERICAL PYTHON will not be a nightmare to you anymore!!! Numpy our friend here , deals with performing numerical operations on arrays […]

Python for ML

Hello peeps! After a detailed study I bring to you a summarized python blog that you will need to know before you get started. This is the module one , will have more coming up later….I have tried my best to cover variables, lists, functions, methods and packages with some useful examples. It is a […]


YES! Advancement has reached the possibility of designing a technology that imitates the human brain and moreover acts like like one. Human brain uses only ten percent of its potential at the conscious level. What if an artificial brain could harness all of it ! Supernatural, one might say! With access to unimaginable data and […]


Yesterday I was wondering what was the point of toiling and going through with each and every algorithm when it was all available in on different platforms. But soon it made me realize , it had always been about working smart right ? I mean , isn’t it the only motive to introduce AI and […]


With the large amount of data being generated in a span of microseconds the data storage and processing becomes a huge problem. For years, the companies have faced a problem of storing the large sums of data, hence they decided to distribute and store it over various platforms, process it over a network to generate […]


Are you wondering how to expand your business, analyse stakes, get rid of liabilities and marginalize profits? Supervised learning is the calculated solution to all your problems!!! You can rule the stock market by having this skill at your side. Supervised learning is teaching the model with labelled data and later testing it. It means […]


What if you are only seven steps away from your first ML model? ML model is a file that is trained to recognize patterns in order to make a immaculate and accurate data prediction. It is a program smartly integrated with a suitable algorithm that will yield you the relevant information from the given data […]

ML -The face of tomorrow

Just as I feel compelled to answer questions like what is ML, why now, how would my take on this current subject matter , I’d say take the risk and you would know. I found myself intrigued with this field as soon as I entered college. Every seminar started with an introduction to Artificial Intelligence […]