Kruskal’s Algorithm

Kruskal’s Algorithm is almost similar to Prim’s Algorithm. The difference is that in Prim’s algorithm, the root node chosen is the one having minimum weight but in Kruskal’s algorithm the root vertex is chosen randomly provided the edges are arranged in the ascending order. Here are few steps to follow in finding Minimum Spanning Tree […]

Prim’s Algorithm

Prim’s algorithm is used to find the minimum spanning tree from a graph. It finds the subset of edges that includes every vertex such that the total of the weights of edges should be minimum. How this is done? Will go through the step-by-step procedure! Algorithm: Step 1: From the given graph, remove all loops […]

Basics of Routing Algorithms

If I have to travel from one place to the other, I shall choose the best path both in terms of traffic and type of road. In the same way, the network chooses its path with lesser traffic to deliver the packets. How it is done and why? Let’s have a look. Routing is the […]

HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)

From the earlier posts, we might be aware of what basically is HTTP. If not, do not worry! Click here for a short description of HTTP. Now we shall dive deeper into it. HTTP is an application layer protocol that is used for transmitting web pages like HTML. This protocol is based on client-server architecture. […]

Start with Tensorflow

Hello all! My previous blog posts were entirely focused on getting you comfortable with the idea of ML. I decided for a change to bring to you something fun in ML. Highlight an important aspect of it i.e. DEEP LEARNING! We will get started with the tensorflow basics here. TENSORFLOW is an API developed by […]

Greedy method

“Do you want to buy a car?” If this is the situation, how would you choose a car? Assume that you need a car with better features. Will you go on testing or checking all the car models in the world and then buy it? My answer would be no. I shall separate out or […]

Network Architecture

What does an architect do? He designs the way things should be placed in a construction. So, what does a network architecture tell? It defines how computers are to be connected, in an organized manner, to gain maximum efficiency and scalability. And also tasks are allocated and files are shared on the network. The most […]

Protecting Mobile Application- Developer Side

We know that nowadays the usage of smartphones is growing exponentially. The mobile devices that are in use are more than three billion according to Statista and it might grow to a much higher number in the coming years. Smartphones became an essential tool for all to maintain their personal data, business data, and many […]

What is Time Complexity?

Reading Time | 7-10 min In every course about algorithms, the subject of complexity of algorithms is introduced right at the beginning. This implies that the topic plays an important role in understanding algorithms, and I can assure you that it certainly does. Don’t believe me? Read on. The Need for Speed(complexity) Every algorithm in […]

Network Topology

Have you ever gave a thought about why our streets or roads and maps are designed in a particular way? Of course, for our convenience. How do you say it is convenient? When it is an efficient path, shorter and describable. So in the same way the paths are, networks are connected, more specifically networking […]

TCP/IP Network Model

From the earlier discussions, we are aware that the communications in the network is based on different network models. And also we have learnt about OSI Model. If not exactly remembering, here is the reference. TCP/IP Network Model is yet an another important one beside OSI Model. OSI being the seven layered model, TCP/IP Model […]

What is an Algorithm?

On a cold, rainy day, nothing is more welcome than a warm, sweet cup of tea(or coffee, if you like). To make a cup of this delicious liquid, a sequence of steps is followed by the person who makes it. Similarly, to solve a problem using computers, an algorithm is used. Knowledge about the meaning […]


From the cryptography introduction, we are aware of hashing! If not exactly remembering, a quick recap! Hashing or a hashing function is a type of operation that takes arbitrary data as input and converts it to an output of fixed size. The fixed size resulting output is known as a hash digest. Actually, the size […]